All these purse pictures have reminded me of a random story. Bear with me...I'm about to give you way too much information, 'cause that's the way I roll. But hey - you're here for a giveaway...might as well stay for the entertainment (if you can call it that)!
Several years ago, I decided to use some frequent flier miles to take my husband on a surprise weekend skiing trip for his birthday. We didn't have much money, so I searched the internet for weeks to find a good deal. I finally found a deal at
Breckenridge that included a Winter Fun pack (or something like that). The pack included free lift tickets and boot/ski rentals for 1 night of night skiing, snow tubing, a sled/wagon ride, and much more. I figured one night of skiing would be enough (although night skiing is kinda hard if you're a novice!), so I booked the condo and away we went. (See, I told you...TMI!)
At our condo, we heard about
this fondue place. It sounded fun and different, so we booked reservations at 9 (they were full until then). We saved our appetites all day. That night, after the town had pretty well rolled up for the night, we hopped on the gondola for the ride up the mountain. It was freezing cold that night, and we were happy to take advantage of the wool blanket in the gondola! At the top of that mountain, we boarded another gondola, which took us to a second, higher mountain where the restaurant sits. Cool. We entered and were shocked to find that it was a prix fixe menu, with the adult meal costing $57. Each. Gulp.
Well, we decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it, since it was such a neat experience and a special occasion, and since we were hungry and all the other restaurants in town were closed. We enjoyed our fondue dinner. I liked it more than Brian since, well, I like cheese. Oh, and chocolate. ANYwho...At the end of our dinner, I reached for my purse and discovered it was missing. I knew I had it when we boarded the lower gondola! Thank goodness Brian had his wallet!
After Brian paid, we went to the upper gondola and asked the operator if he'd noticed it in any of the cars. He hadn't. We asked him to contact our condo if it was turned in. We then boarded and prayed our way down. When we reached the lower gondola, I asked the operator the same question. No, he hadn't seen it either. I sighed, frustrated, as we boarded the lower gondola. I reached for the blanket with my numb fingers and felt a lump. I moved the blanket, and Hallelujah! There was my purse! What are the chances that we'd happen to board the very same gondola car? Pretty slim. Fortunately for you, your chances at this giveaway are much better! (See how I did that? Pretty slick, huh?)
So you made it through my story. Thank you for your patience. Now for the good stuff! Earlier this week,
Cindy @
Still His Girl (who is
totally artistically talented and has one of the
funniest blogs ever - check her out!) stopped by my blog and left several really kind comments. Totally made my day!
Anyway, Cindy asked me if I'd ever done a giveaway. I haven't. Partly because I didn't think I had enough readers, and partly because I haven't had anything good to give away. Well, now I have something, and I know at least 2 people are good chances!
recently posted about a purse I'd made in early October. I loved the fabrics together, but the overall result looked a little too small and young for the lady I wanted to give it to, so I just put it away in my gift closet and started over. Lucky for you, dear readers, I've decided to pull it back out and give it away. I hope it will make one of you, or some sweet girl you know, very happy!
Here's another picture of the purse...sorry the lighting is not very good.
But wait, there's more....If you act now (or between now and Sunday evening), you'll be entered to win not only the cute little purse above, but also these lovely bonus gifts! That's right, the prize package includes the handmade purse, a Willow Tree Angel of Freedom ornament (slightly used - it used to hang on a display tree in our gifts & antiques store), a small journal, a cedar fall leaf ornament (leftover from our wedding favors - 7 years ago!), and a pecan beeswax lip balm from Bath & Body Works (never used! and sealed! for your protection!). Oh, and whatever else I decide to toss in between now and Sunday!

All of these lovely prizes can be yours for the low-low price of....
Telling all my readers your funniest purse story!
That's right...tell me about the hideous purse you had to have in 8th grade, or the time your children unpacked your purse privates at a church social. Maybe you left your purse in an embarassing place or your husband used it as a tetherball. Edited to add: If you don't have a blog, be sure to leave an email address where I can reach you!
Having never done a giveaway, I'm not going to promise I'll use a random-number-generator-thingie...maybe I will, maybe I won't....but I promise to be fair and impartial. So join in, won't you? Maybe I can help you get some Christmas gifts out of the way!
Oh, and thanks for stopping by!
Edited to add: Sorry, this giveaway is only open to residents of the US (or those with a US address, Natalie!). I can't afford to ship overseas right now. Thanks for understanding.