Thursday, April 10, 2008

Note to Self: Record Weds. Night American Idol!

Man! I can't believe I missed it...Again! I go to choir practice on Wednesday nights, so I generally miss American Idol. I'm sure many of you will think we're hopelessly out of date when I tell you that we don't have TIVO or a DVR. So when I want to record something, it involves a lengthy process of searching for a VHS tape that isn't too old or warped to tape over. Then I have to remember how to set the silly thing. And, well, American Idol on Wednesday's is generally just not a big deal. They rehash Tuesday, and they make a big deal about narrowing down the bottom 3, and then someone goes home. I can wait for the news at 10, or check the internet the next day, and save myself the VCR hassle, you know?

WELL. I have officially learned my lesson. Last week, I learned that I missed a kickin' version of "This Little Light of Mine" (Clark Brothers) and Dolly singin' about Jesus. That's just good TV, right there. Then today, I was reading Ocean Mommy's blog, and read this! It sounds like they had some CHURCH. UP. IN. THERE! Oh, I wish I'd seen it live! If you're a weiner like me, and missed out on it, do hop on over to Notes from the Soul and see video, 'K?

And, if you think of it, please remind me to tape AI next Wednesday!

Edited to add: Check out Frydaddy's (Travis Cottrell) thoughts on the subject. He shares an important perspective.


ocean mommy said...

Thanks for your comment on my post earlier today!

I'm still in awe of what happened. Whether or not they intended to, they proclaimed our Saviour's name and attributes for all the world to hear....

Have a very blessed evening!

kari and kijsa said...

Since you haven't seen tonite yet...we won't give it away..but it is a shocker!! love this show!!
Have a great evening!

kari & kijsa