My mom and I spent the weekend with 10,000 Heiresses! Oh yes, we Living Proof Live, the Beth Moore conference, at the Alamodome in San Antonio. This was my first Living Proof Live conference to attend, and I can't wait to go to another one! Thank you, Mom, for making it possibe for me to go, and for going with me!
I have called this post the appetizer, because it contains only the light stuff. I'll put the heavy stuff in the next post. Here are some terrible photos of some of the highlights from Living Proof Live.
1. These signs marked the reserved seats for the Siesta Bloggers (Bloggers who read/comment on the
LPM blog).

2. Some of the Siesta Bloggers:

3. Here we go! I'm so excited!

4. An A.MAZ.ING. time of worship, lead by
Travis Cottrell and the praise team. May I just say that I've been shackled to "Shackles" since Friday night? Thanks a lot, FryDaddy. :) Great song, though. But seriously,
In Christ Alone, 2000 Years Ago, Before the Throne of God Above, and so many more humbled me and moved me into the presence of the Living God. Astounding.

5. And then it was Beth's turn. And let me just tell you that her hair is the thing that legends are made of. WOW. And she was wearing this long-sleeved buttoned-up jacket the whole time, and I kept thinking, "This is San Antonio. In August. I'd be sweating as soon as I stepped on the stage. How does she manage to look so cool?" We heard later that her clothes are drenched by the time she walks off the stage, but I'm telling you, she looked fresh and cool...must have been a work of the Holy Spirit! He does what we're not able to do, Amen? Anyway, this is an awful picture, but of the 10 or so I took, it's the only one that doesn't look like she has 3 heads or other mutations. Just know that she's gorgeous, and teeny-tiny, and a spitfire, and such a lovely vessel for the Lord.

6. After the Saturday morning session, the Siesta Bloggers got to enjoy a special Q & A time with all of the Moore Girls. And they are just as lovely and spirited and funny and passionate about God's Holy Word as their sweet mama.

7. Siesta Bloggers at the Siesta Fiesta:

8. See the cute lady with the big handbag? (Click the picture to enlarge it) That's THE
BooMama. I know. She and
BigMama were both there, along with all my other favorite bloggers. And they're just as funny in person. Hysterical. But that may have been due to sleep deprivation! No, I didn't meet them. Because I'm a GIANT DORK and I couldn't think of anything to say. I'm SO not good at social things! But just so you know, they were there! I
did get to meet
Amy Beth (Ministry So Fabulous). And I smiled at
Cindy (Still His Girl). Still, it was a treat just to be around all these wonderful, godly women. I have been ministered to so much by their blog testimonies and the way they readily share their faith with wit and humor and grace. Maybe NEXT LPL I'll actually say hello!

9. Because I am, again, a GIANT DORK, I didn't remember to sign up for the Siesta Pajama Party, so I missed out on a wonderful opportunity to get to know the Siestas better. But the
ladies who coordinated Siesta Fiesta (Pam & Kim) did a wonderful job. Hope I get to be part of another one someday! Well done, ladies.
10. And The Lone Star definitely showed up. I mean. Our Mighty God filled up the place with His Presence. And He sure did have a Word for us. For me. I can't wait to share it with you. Tomorrow, dear ones. Stay tuned.