Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Door is Ajar...A Jar is...

We used to have a car that said "A door is ajar" whenever someone took too long getting into the car. It was...annoying. Know what else is annoying? The ICK inside my apothecary jars. Remember these? Well, now they look like this:

Jar #1 isn't too bad, but the plant is growing too tall.
Jar #2 is still fine.
But Jar #3...

Well, it reminds me of this:

Yes. Ick. ::::shudder::::

So. Looking at the ick in jar #3 leaves me totally uninspired. I need some great, cheap, INSPIRED ideas for what to put inside my apothecary jars (after I clean them out). I like natural-ish looking things, but I'm open to other ideas. That moss in the bottom of the jars is probably still useable, except for the moss in jar #3. Here's what I've done thus far. Near Easter, I filled my apothecary jars like this, and when I first got them, I filled them like this.

Here's where you can help. I need your suggestions, photos, links, etc. As Kari and Kijsa would say, "What's an Apothecary Jar to Do?"

1 comment:

kari and kijsa said...

Oooh- we do love an apothecary jar..so many things...

We have, among others ideas: filled ours with shells, bathsalts and oils balls, topped off with water and submerged flowers for a centerpiece, set in nests with eggs, losely places willow branches (these also could be spraypainted a fun color, like red!), filled with acorns and pinecones, ornaments, bright colored candy that we then sent home each guest with little bags full...

This is a fabulous empty canvas...but we do find that these need to be switched out often as they somehow become dusty, even with the lids on.
your terrariums are a fabulous idea... a little garden experimenting may do the trick- try local nursery staff to examine and suggest options...

if not...they do make artificial succulents that are quite believable and would be maintenance-free-other than that occasional dusting!!

We know there are so many more ideas...can't wait to see, read, and be inspired as well!! We love all the ideas- we have used so many fabulous and talented reader suggestions!