At least someone (or several someones) must have thought so! I just wanted to show off a couple of the special things that I received this Christmas (and this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg!) for my first Friday "Show and Tell" post.
Firs is a handmade mesquite cross, a gift from my brother & his family. My brother is truly an artist, and designs and builds the most beautiful mesquite doors and furnishings. Check out his website! This cross will hang with our collection.

There are several special new things in this picture. At Thanksgiving, I was browsing this catalog at my Mom's house. I showed a few neat things to Brian. I wasn't asking for them, mind you. I was merely admiring. Well, wouldn't you know that my smart, thoughtful, dear man made a mental note about them. Then, when his mom asked for ideas for me, he passed them on to her. I'm a lucky girl, yes I am. Anyway, the lovely pinecone mantle scarf (pinecones are a year-round theme in our home) and the 3 harvest-themed pottery bowls (harvest is also a year-round theme for us) were special gifts from my mother- and father-in-law.

Brian also surprised me with some wonderful boots from Coldwater Creek that I love.love.love. I'll edit in a picture of those later. Just know they're awesome, ok?
Finally, from Mom & Dad, this really pretty set of apothecary jars. I plan to change their contents seasonally.

They also gave me a new wireless printer, which.I.love.
So...now you know. I am very spoiled. Very lucky. Very blessed. And yes, I was a very good girl.