Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to a Fellow Baylor Girl!

Kari Cake
Originally uploaded by thingspondered
Today is Kari's 40th Birthday...please stop by Kari & Kijsa's blog and wish her a Happy Birthday...and look around while you're's a great blog. These sisters share wonderful design ideas, artistry, and Diet Coke. And they're Baylor girls!

So, in her honor, I've "decomposed" this song (sung to the tune of "That Good Ol' Baylor Line" or "The Good Old Summertime" for you non-Baylorites):

That 40th birthday girl, that 40th birthday girl,
She decorates and she creates her treasures just like pearls.
With Diet Coke and Kijsa's help, she'll redesign the world
And leave it prettier than before, that 40th birthday girl!

Happy Birthday, Kari!


kari and kijsa said...

Ooooh- You are the best...I can't wait until she sees this!!! Thank you so much! Sic 'em bears!!!


kari and kijsa said...

You are the absolute sweetest Baylor Bear I know...thank you...thank you...this is incredible!

May you have a wonderful day!

smiles, kari (& kijsa)